If you don't get what you want, it's your fault.
That's one main principle of The Law of Attraction. You assume full control over your circumstances. You choose your destiny, and nothing or nobody else can change it. You only live once, and you're the one who decides if you're going to live that century to the fullest.
Oh, The Places You'll Go... When You Choose Them!
As Dr. Seuss said: "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself anywhere you choose!" That's right - your thoughts influence your decisions, and it's amazing how easy we could bring up any thought, idea, or emotion at any given moment. It's most ideal to harness that thinking power positively, since a pattern of positive emotions will change your habits for the better. Marshall Sylver, the greatest hypnotist of all time, simply calls this "self-hypnosis." Whatever it is, neurolinguistics, NLP, hypnosis, subconscious programming or The Law of Attraction, it's all the same.
What You Believe To Be True Is True For You
Truth is what you subjectively believe to be true. The truth is different for everyone - truths are all about your destiny and current and future circumstances, and you're the one who gets to create them. If, for instance, someone yells "You can't handle the truth!" at you, what they perceive to be "the truth" is only opinion, not fact, and your perception of "the truth" is modelled by your circumstances, thoughts & opinions.
Veritas in Negotio means Truth in Business. Some alternatively translate this Latin phrase as meaning "Truth is Negotiable" -- and as followers of The Law of Attraction, that is one of our biggest beliefs and values. "Truth" is just a synonym for "belief" or "opinion" -- and truth in business is indeed negotiable.
"Veritas in Negotio" is, in and of itself, a truth according to our exact definition. Some people may argue against the "flexibility" of "truth", since this phrase expands upon Harvard University's motto of Veritas, which is Latin for Truth, and that's ironic since Harvard is devoted to enlightening students about facts as opposed to truth. Because people are validly capable of making (and have indeed made) arguments against the statement "Truth is Negotiable" with scientific backing not being a requirement, "Truth Is Negotiable" is a phrase that in and of is negotiable. It is a self-demonstrating example of a truth. Once again, "Truth Is Negotiable" is a belief we hold.
Facts, on the other hand, are objective reality. They are statements and ideas scientifically & mathematically proven only by what exists in the material world, and the laws of physics and biology. Facts are science, as they're backed by science: any arguments against such ideas would be unfounded and false. An example of a fact known by everyone is water is composed of two atoms of hydrogen, and one of oxygen.
Subjective truths are created with the consideration of the objective facts whose meaning and connotations are universal & uniform, no matter who you ask.
Should we call it lies versus truth... or lies versus facts?
What You Focus On Expands, and Reality Is Created by Validation
Reality is just another word for truth.
Facts Are The Enemy of Truth
Facts are the enemy of truth. That's a famous old quote from Don Quixote, the celebrated fictional Spanish noble, a.k.a. "El Hombre de La Mancha," who has a constant struggle with finding his identity. When it seems he's unable to have a stable romantic relationship, he attempts to impress others by sacrificing his sanity for a life of knighthood.
The objective fact is that Don Quixote chose to be a knight; hence, this is what he projects to others externally. Without the interference of anyone's opinions, including his own, he is objectively a knight because he assumes that role. He wears a knight's costume, he bears the sword of a knight, he rides on horseback - all facts that telegraph that he's in a high position of nobility.
The facts interfere with "the truth," and that implied truth is Don Quixote's own. It doesn't belong to anyone or anything else. He chose knighthood out of insanity and vanity; only as an effort to boost his charisma, as opposed to actually pursuing the greater good that is said to come from such nobility.
Don Quixote does not have the mindset of a knight. True knighthood is not his priority, so his truth is that - despite the fact that he wears a knight's costume - he is not truly a knight. Once the insanity wears off, he finds his personal nobility in the pre-knighthood life he returns to... his truth is spending life with Lady Dulcinea, the peasant who - in Don Quixote's imagination - is a princess. Dulcinea is his highest priority and one true object of adulation.
So, what can be gleaned from this? When you get hired for a 9-5 job, you may start out washing the dishes. The objective fact in this case is that you're a dishwasher, since you are appointed to clean dishes. If you don't like the job, you may think of yourself as not truly a dishwasher. You're a dishwasher in fact; you're not a dishwasher in truth because washing the dishes is something you don't want to pursue,or maybe it's something you don't like. Regardless, when you don't view yourself as a dishwasher, that's you holding an opinion. Others may argue the opposite if you're good at washing dishes and they see it, even though that's not what you want to do - all you want is that extra paycheck.
Can we get any more philosophical than that?
Facts are the enemy of truth, plain and simple. If you don't get what you want, it's your fault, so focus on what you want for yourself (as well as the people you want to serve) instead of doing something you don't want to do in order to get there.